Managing the Modern Workplace: Navigating Sensitive Investigations with Obligations and Ethics in Mind

June 20, 2023

Time: 8:30am - 10:30am

Location:  American Express; 18850 North 56th Street (in the Canyon Building - see attached MAP), Phoenix, AZ 85054 (near 56th Street and the 101) - Saguaro (#41051) Conference Room 

Topic: Managing the Modern Workplace: Navigating Sensitive Investigations with Obligations and Ethics in Mind

Join Littler Associates Pablo Castellanos and Michael Guilliam for a discussion on navigating through the pitfalls of discrimination and workplace harassment investigations. Pablo and Michael will discuss best practices for guiding management through the most sensitive issues in the workplace, while also highlighting ethical obligations that managers and HR professionals should take into consideration. This presentation will go over how to properly conduct investigations into harassment, constructive discharge, and whistleblower claims, with a focus on the management of relationships between employees and managers, common mistakes professional make, and best practices when treading on these sensitive waters.


Michael Guilliam of Littler

Pablo E. Castellanos of Littler


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