EEOC Update and ‘ACT Digital’

September 18, 2015

Location: Northern Arizona University; Flagstaff, AZ 86011

Kaibab room in the University Union (30 A, B, C), which is marked on the Campus Map.
The best place to park is the P96A Knoles parking garage. Parking passes will be provided at a reduced rate. There will be signs, around the campus, to direct you to the meeting.

Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
COST: Free to Members and Guests

Please join us for an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) update from our Phoenix office partners!

Our speaker, Mary Jo O’Neill, EEOC Regional Attorney for the Phoenix District Office will provide an EEOC Update.


Mary Jo O'Neill, EEOC Regional Attorney   (Bio)

Then we will be joined by Patricia Miner, EEOC Enforcement Supervisor, whose area of responsibility includes the Intake Unit. She will introduce us to ACT Digital!  To improve customer service, ease the administrative burden on staff, and reduce the use of paper submissions and files, the EEOC created the Action Council for Transformation to a Digital Charge System (ACT Digital) to develop a set of online applications for use by the public. The first application for the private sector charge system is Phase I of a Digital Charge System, which has been piloted in the EEOC Phoenix Office. Patricia Miner has been the point of contact for the Phoenix Office in implementing ACT Digital and understands in detail how the system works, the benefits to the public and employers and what is coming next. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear directly from Ms. Miner about ACT Digital and ask the expert any questions you may have about it.


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Recertification Credit Hours Awarded:   2 (General)
